Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Create electronic presentations

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Home > Business Services > Elective (60/120 hours) > Create electronic presentations > Create electronic presentations


Activity 1

Print the following questions, then complete the answers in the spaces provided.

  1. List four types of presentations, eg face-to-face.

Four types of presentations could be

  1. Face to face, with a live presenter
  2. On screen, self running
  3. Online

d. Printed

  1. List the skills and knowledge required to create an electronic presentation.

Design skills ­: colour usage, bullet point usage, knowledge of fonts and using art effectively.

Proofing skills: spelling and grammar, checking that the graphics match the text etc.

Listening/communication skills: using the organization’s preferred style, accurately implementation of instructions.

Technology skills: ability to use hardware, e.g. a data projector, and software capabilities e.g. inserting graphics, borders, backgrounds, etc.

  1. Specify some presentation requirements (choose your own, or ask someone to recommend a subject).
    • Identify - Who? Where? How?

Who: Marketing Manager
Where: Client’s office
How: Self- running

    • What mode of presentation will be used?

Computer generated and data projector

Overhead projector and transparencies

Slide projector and slides


    • What material and supporting documentation will be required, eg notes, handouts?

Could include slides, handouts and speaker notes

    • What are the organisational requirements, eg logos, colour?

Refer to Style manual and policy and procedures

Could include issues such as logo, colours used, slide design etc

    • List design requirements, eg font, bullet style.

Use of fonts, colour, logo usage, etc

Heading levels

Bullet or numbering levels and styles

Use of white space

Suitability of design to intended audience

    • List presentation specific requirements, eg timing, sound.

Animation, transition, timing, sounds, movies

Number of slides

  1. How would you check your work?

Proof read the work

  • Use the spelling and grammar function
  • Check that the content is correct
  • Ask a colleague to check it
  • Run the presentation and rehearse

  1. How would you change the slide master?

on the menu go to

  • View, Master, Slide Master and change the elements required.

  1. How would you add transition and animation to the presentation?

On the menu go to

  • Slide show
    • Animation and/or
    • Slide transition

and choose the feature required.

  1. Where would you find on-line help to overcome production problems?

On the menu go to

  • Help, Microsoft Office PowerPoint Help and search for the relevant information.

  1. How would you store the presentation?

Store the presentation on the hard drive of your computer, a CD, or other removable media, such as a Zip disk or USB ‘flash’ drive


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Activity 2

Prepare a six slide presentation, on a topic of your choice, using the specifications provided in the previous Activity 1 c)


  • logo
  • background layout
  • bullet points and different level/s of bullets
  • pictures
  • charts
  • WordArt
  • effects eg animations, transitions
  • handouts
  • speaker notes.

An answer to this activity is not provided, as each presentation will be different. It is suggested that you ask someone else, for example a teacher, parent/guardian or a friend, to look at your presentation and comment on it, asking them to refer to the list above.

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