Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Produce simple word-processed documents

Produce simple word-processed documents

You are working for Freedom Travel Pty Ltd, and you have been asked to carry out the following tasks. The company has the following policy and procedures which must be adhered to for all documentation and correspondence as follows.

The company's policy is to

  • use white A4 paper only
  • set out letters in fully blocked, open punctuation style
  • use a sans serif font, size 11
  • use the spell check and grammar check function
  • carefully proofread before submitting work to author for signature

Activity 1

  1. You have been asked to create a new letterhead template for the company. Include a suitable graphic and use the following contact details.
    • Address - 55 City Road, Annandale 2038
    • Phone - 9319 1234
    • Fax - 9319 1235
    • Email - freedom_travel@ozenet.com.au

  1. Save a copy as Freedom Travel letterhead to a suitable location.


Freedom T

55 City Road, Annandale NSW 2038
Telephone 9319 1234
Facsimile 9319 1235

Activity 2

The Tours and Travel manager, Jane Hobbs, has provided you with the following handwritten draft and has asked you to word process the letter, in response to a customer enquiry. Ensure that you adhere to the company policy and procedures for document creation.


Mrs J Bluntman

29 Umber Street

Maroubra NSW 2035

Dear Mrs Bluntman

Thanks for your enquiry about travel to Egypt later this year. It's a wonderfull destination and offers a variety of experiences for the visitor.

I recommend a flight to Singapore (with the possibility of a stopover) and then onto Cairo . A four star hotel in Dokkia - a leafy suburb in Cairo that allows easy acce

ss to the Pyramids, is reasonably priced. Three or four days in Cairo would be sufficent to see the main attractions. Other must sees in Egypt include

  • Luxor and the Valley of the Kings
  • Aswan and the opportunity to sail the Nile on a a felucca
  • Red Sea snorkeling

Australian visitors require a visa, which Freedom Travel can

arrange on your behalf and it is advisable to take $US cash and travelers cheques.

Freedom Travel will happily organise your international and local Egyptian travel and arrange accommodation. If you would like to join an organised tour, we can make recomendations and take a booking on your behalf.

We look forward to asisting you with your travel plans.

Jane Hobbs


Freedom Travel
55 City Road, Annandale NSW 2038
Telephone 9319 1234
Facsimile 9319 1235


October 31, 2007

Mrs. J Bluntman
29 Umber Street

Dear Mrs. Bluntman

Thank you for your enquiry about travel to Egypt later this year. It is a wonderful destination and offers a variety of experiences for the visitor.

I recommend a flight to Singapore (with the possibility of a stopover) and then onto Cairo. A four star hotel in Dokkia, a leafy suburb in Cairo that allows easy access to the Pyramids, is reasonably priced. Three or four days in Cairo would be sufficient to see the main attractions. Other must sees in Egypt include


Luxor and the Valley of the Kings

· Aswan and the opportunity to sail the Nile on a felucca


Red Sea snorkeling

Australian visitors require a visa, which Freedom Travel can arrange on your behalf and it is advisable to take $US cash and travelers cheques.

Freedom Travel will happily organize your international and local Egyptian travel and arrange accommodation. If you would like to join an organized tour, we can make recommendations and take a booking on your behalf.

We look forward to assisting you with your trave

l plans.

Yours sincerely

Jane Hobbs

Jane Hobbs
Tours and Travel Manager

Activity 3

Freedom Travel is planning a New Zealand holiday advertising campaign. You have been asked you to create the following advertising flyer. Be sure to

  • use a selection of
  • font styles and sizes
  • different alignments
  • bullets and tables
  • centre the document vertically on the page
  • insert graphics appropriate to the topic w here indicated.

Freedom Travel

New Zealand Holiday Specials

Queenstown flying Air New Zealand from $866

Insert a suitable
graphic here

New Zealand's adventure capital is fuelled by adrenalin. Visitors flock to Queenstown to ski, bun

gee-jump, skydive, go jet boating and white-water rafting. But if you're happy just to sit and watch, you won't be disappointed.


-Airfares are return per person

-Airport taxes and levies specified are based on the most direct flight route



Departure Period

Fare From




New Zealand


1st July 0

4 -

31st July 04

AUD 766

AUD 100




New Zealand


1st July 04 -

31st July 04

AUD 836

AUD 100

Activity 4

A memorandum is to be sent to all employees, with a copy to the manager, Kim Leigh. The memo is to inform staff of training sessions relating to the New Zealand Holidays holiday specials.

There will be two training sessions held, one for Travel consultants at 10 am and the other for Administrative staff at 1 pm, both on 15 March 2004. Morning or afternoon tea will be provided, as appropriate to the session time.

  1. Jane Hobbs has provided you with a cop y of a draft memo, which needs editing. Retrieve the document Training memo .
  2. Make the necessary corrections as indicated by the proofing marks shown below. You can download and print a copy of some common Proofreading symbols to help you.
    Internal Memo with Proofing notations

    ANSWER:Internal Memo with Proofing notations





To: «First_name_» «Last_name_»

CC: Kim Leigh, Manager

From: Jane Hobbs, Travel and Tours Manager

Date: 30 October 2007

Subject: New Zealand Holiday Training Sessions

To prepare for the expected increase in bookings to New Zealand due to the planned New Zealand Holiday Special promotion, training sessions have been arranged for all staff.

There will be two training sessions, one for travel consultant and the other for administrative staff. Please attend the appropriate sessions at

«Time» on 20 November 2007.

Each sessions is expected to approximately two and a half hours long, and «Tea_» tea will be provided.

  1. Convert the edited memo into a mail merge document, so that it can be distributed to the staff with relevant session details.
    • Jane Hobbs, Ervien Lee, Bob Jankowski, Andrea Epinidis, Julie Singh Travel consultants
    • Sebastian Tran, Ingrid Johns, Your name here Administrative Staff











10 am





10 am





1 pm





10 am





10 am





1 pm





1 pm

  1. Merge the document ready for distribution.
    • How many merged documents will you have?

I have six document, because Jane will not receive a merged copy.

    • Should you save this document?

No, usually a merged document is printed but not saved in the merged format.

    • Who will the first memo be addressed to?

The first memo should be addressed to Andrea Epinidis, who would appear first if the data is correctly sorted.

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